How many people are cool cats:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


In "Youth In Revolt" by C.D Payne, Nick does a lot of pretty intense stuff just to get his "One True Love" Sheeni back. Sheeni is away at a sort of french boarding school while Nick is in the public school (which he transferred to just to be with Sheeni before she abandoned him for like the third time). Nick is very suspicious of Sheeni and wants her to get expelled from her french school. First he befriends a girl whom despises Sheeni and would be plenty happy with her being expelled. Than (with the help of his new friend) Nick drugs Sheeni's best friend. While Sheeni is out in her friend (who is constantly asleep because of the drugs)'s car with a potential hunky french speaking guy friend, Nick reports the car stolen and gets both Sheeni and her friend in a lot of trouble. Nick also is semi-fake having an affair with a girl that Sheeni is not too fond of to make Sheeni jealous and come back to him. It seems Nick will stop at nothing to be reunited with his One True Love.

I have never been in this supposed "love" idea, but I sure hope that if I ever am it won't take over my brain and make me do insane things for it. Wow, it sounds like I'm describing a drug. Is love a drug? It really seems like it. Love intoxicates your brain, makes you experience emotions you have never before, makes you make dumb decisions, makes your friends and family think "what the hell is wrong with you? You haven't been acting the same lately." These symptoms sound a lot like those of someone on drugs. Drugs are bad for you, we all know that... So is love bad for you? When you are like recovering from being an active drug user you feel awful and really really wish  you could go back to doing drugs, this sounds familiar, break-ups. The one thing I can say about love that I can't say about drugs, is that it doesn't kill you (1 point for love), but then again when your doing drugs the symptoms only effect you, while when your in love they effect you and your lover...(1 point for drugs).

Maybe it's not just love and drugs, maybe when your really caught up in something and devoted to it, it takes over your brain and makes you a little insane. But is this really bad all the time? No. Being devoted to something is often good, and gives you purpose, I think that as humans one thing that we really need in order to not go insane, is purpose. So I as long as you still know who you are and you aren't just this thing that your devoted to, it's not too bad. But still, don't do drugs.


  1. hey Carmen!
    haha, i love this post. you're right, a lot of times people are so in love they forget who they are and that they are a little over the top with their actions. i think love is one of those things that you can't get your mind off, you know? its not like you like this thing, you LOVE this thing so you have strong feelings. love can make people do stupid things... i love the connection from love to drugs.
    nice post

  2. your love, your love, your love, is my drug. SORRY I HAD TO. Okay but in all seriousness, I really like this post. I really agree with what you said about how love (and other things that alter your state of mind) make you do crazy things. I like your comparison of love to drugs.
